If you operate or are planning to operate a high volume call center or have an office where you would like to provide telephone services for your tenets. We can help you set up the right solution to meet your needs and your clients.
Adding a multi-tenet phone system to your office building, apartment/condominium complex can be a wonderful perk to your tenets or an added revenue stream to your rental or HOA.
We will work with you to evaluate your needs and assist you in selecting the right system to effectively provide voice services to your tenants.
Call Centers
If you operate a call center, you know the complexities that can arise when things start to get busy. We offer custom call center solutions using open source solutions. We can provide your call center with fully managed services, or just support when you need an extra hand. Â Speak with us today, if you already run a call center, or are planning on opening a new call center, we are here to help put you on the right course to allow your business to grow.