Create beautiful API documentation with FastAPI and Markdown, without cluttering your project code or losing your model document and validations.
Sangoma Phone 3.4.0 Update
Sangoma Phone 3.4.0 Update call pop-ups and queue status now available for Switchvox users. Learn how the new features can streamline your productivity.
Automatic database schema builder for existing databases with Peewee
Quickly access existing databases with peewee ORM for python. Spend more time coding and less time struggling with database connectivity.
Sangoma and Digium Join Together
Sangoma and Digium join forces to provide a new era in VoIP Communications. Asterisk, Switchvox, FreePBX, PBXact now all Sangoma.
EdgeRouter Dynamic DNS with HE (Hurricane Electric)
Using EdgeOS devices and Hurricane Electrics Free DNS service
Protected: Digium Switchvox Undocumented API
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